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 The Champions Of FOW

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Mr Kennedy
Mr Kennedy

Nombre de messages : 28
Age : 33
Localisation : Québec City
Lutteur Incarné : Ken Kennedy
Face/Heel : Heel
Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007

The Champions Of FOW Empty
MessageSujet: The Champions Of FOW   The Champions Of FOW Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 19:46

The Champions Of FOW Whcet1
World Heavyweight Champion : Vacant

The Champions Of FOW Fowchampgt0
FOW Champion : Vacant

The Champions Of FOW Icwd6
Intercontinental Champion : Vacant

The Champions Of FOW Usac0
United-States Champion : Vacant

The Champions Of FOW Hardcoreae7
Hardcore Champion : Vacant

The Champions Of FOW Tagteamby1
Tag Team Champions : Vacant

The Champions Of FOW Womenqi8
Women's Champion : Vacant
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The Champions Of FOW
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