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 John cena the champ is here/steven

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4 participants
John Cena/Savil
John Cena/Savil

Nombre de messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2007

John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 12:44

Nom Du Catcheur:john Cena the marine
Personnalité: Face
Vos Loisirs:catch Jv
Votre Age:13
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/-The Rated R Superstar-/
/-The Rated R Superstar-/

Nombre de messages : 25
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2007

John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: Re: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 12:50

Salut Steven !
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John Cena/Savil
John Cena/Savil

Nombre de messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2007

John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: Re: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 12:59

Salut Edge
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Randy Orton/Mundu
Randy Orton/Mundu

Nombre de messages : 85
Lutteur Incarné : Randy Orton
Face/Heel : Heel
Date d'inscription : 08/08/2007

John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: Re: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 15:10

/-The Rated R Superstar-/ a écrit:
Salut Steven !
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John Cena/Savil
John Cena/Savil

Nombre de messages : 70
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2007

John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: Re: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 15:11

lu orton!
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Mr Kennedy
Mr Kennedy

Nombre de messages : 28
Age : 33
Localisation : Québec City
Lutteur Incarné : Ken Kennedy
Face/Heel : Heel
Date d'inscription : 09/08/2007

John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: Re: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitimeVen 10 Aoû - 15:43

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John cena the champ is here/steven Empty
MessageSujet: Re: John cena the champ is here/steven   John cena the champ is here/steven Icon_minitime

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John cena the champ is here/steven
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